Peer Reviewed Publication:
Salwen, J.K., Khan, A, Martin. S., Holloway B.M., Coughlin, J.W. Incorporating Health Behavior Theory into mHealth: An examination of weight loss, dietary, and physical activity interventions. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science. March 2020. DOI:
Khan, A.S., Hentschel, E.L., Mussini, M. Bonyadian Dehkordi,B., Shelton,C.J. Assessing the Care Cascade for Diabetes and Hypertension in Grenada : Mixed Methods Study Utilizing Qualitative and Quantitative Data from Health Professionals and Service Users. World Bank, Washington, DC
Khan, A.S., Edmund, X., Hentschel, E.L., Mussini, M. Shelton,C.J., Bonyadian Dehkordi,B. Assessing the Care Cascade for Diabetes and Hypertension in Saint Lucia : Mixed Methods Study Utilizing Qualitative Data from Health Professionals and Service Users and Quantitative Data from the Saint Lucia STEPS 2019-20 Survey. World Bank, Washington, DC
Khan, A.S., Harnam, N., Health Systems Resilience in the Caribbean: 360° Resilience Background Paper. World Bank, Washington, DC. October 2021.
Khan, Alyssa; Parker, Shaakira; Salach, Jennifer; Aronin, Alana; Hamburger, Samantha; Castelaz, Leah. 2021. A Path Forward Transforming the Public Behavioral Health System for Children, Youth, and their Families in the District of Columbia. Children’s Law Center, Children’s National Hospital, the District of Columbia Behavioral Health Association, Early Childhood Innovation Network, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Parent Watch, and Total Family Care Coalition.
Khan, A., Salwen, J.K., Burton, E., Epstein, L., Coughlin, J.W., Smith, M.T., Modification of Eating Behaviors in Individuals with a BMI 25 Using a Go/No-Go Training Task. Johns Hopkins Day of Undergraduate Research in Engineering, the Arts & Humanities, Medicine and the Sciences, Baltimore, MD, 2017.
Khan, A.*, Lin, P.*, Liu, S*., Wang, A.*, The Search for Lysogeny and the Test for Immunity. Johns Hopkins Undergraduate Biology Department Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD, 2014. * Equal contribution
Salwen, J.K., Khan, A, Coughlin, J.W., Hymowitz, G., Cyber Psychology and In Person Evaluations. Obesity Week, New Orleans, LA, 2016.